Three Insightful Books for Retirees
Dr. Penelope S. Tzougros, a seasoned financial advisor, has penned three insightful books to empower retirees and those planning for retirement with practical, relatable guidance.
Your Home Sweet Home: How to Decide Whether You Should Stay or Move in Retirement
Though many retirees love their homes, the maintenance costs are in a tug-of-war with the retirement assets. Can they keep their homes and their lifestyle? Might changes in their physical ability, the neighborhood, and their support network lead to isolation and depression? What steps should they take to stay home and be vibrant? Would moving to one of the many other housing options enhance their lives financially, physically, and socially? Those in the midst of the do I stay or do I move quandary will read stories of insightful retirees who have faced the same questions. Analytical tools, worksheets, and a Decision Guide create a step-by-step process for sorting out fears, facts, and finances.
In a world of data and Internet searches, I want to provide information that guides you to good decisions.
Wealthy Choices: The Seven Competencies of Financial Success
This book is all mini dramas, stories that clients told me over the years of about how they encountered money issues on a daily basis. The small life incidents are in keeping with how most of us first learn about money. We listened to what our family and friends said about money. We absorbed early on attitudes and “rules” about what to do with our money.
Each story in the book is followed by Penelope’s Perspective, a discussion of what the root problem is and how it could be solved. The stories cover budgeting, raises, spendthrifts, estate planning, investing and much more. What do you do with parking tickets? How do you deal with the kid who shatters your picture window with a baseball? What do you do when someone steals from you?
Financial books often get lost in theory; this personal financial book lives in the everyday world of common experiences. It is easy to learn new ideas and see where you might make changes for the better.
Each chapter is devoted to a competency. If you are competent in these seven areas, your money can work for you, not against you. Quizzes at the beginning of each section help you evaluate your strengths.
Long Term Care Insurance: How to Make Decisions That Are Right for You
Our Family’s Story
Because my very remarkable mother spent the last 13 years of her life in a nursing home, I learned a lot about dementia and who pays for care.
My sister and brother and I were clueless, bewildered and grieving over the gradual but inexorable loss of contact with Mom’s vibrant personality. Her body stayed strong. She did not know us.
Many of you have been through this heartache. For those of you who have not, I have written a second editions of Long-term Care Insurance: How to make decisions that are right for you.
For anyone 50 and older, this guide is meant to help you imagine the impact on you physically, financially and psychologically should you need care for a long time.
Just read the first half of the guide, about 30 pages. Then decide what strategy will help protect your assets, your health and your loved ones.

Contact Penelope
Penelope S. Tzougros,
51 Sawyer Road, Suite 340
Waltham, MA 02453
(781) 893-0909 ext. 238