
Post Retirement Income Management

Do You Have Enough Post Retirement Income?

One of the many concerns soon-to-be retirees have is post-retirement income. Outside of a pension – whether you have one or not – you may have concerns about needing other forms of post-retirement income. If you need help figuring out questions about post-retirement income, I can help. My name is Dr. Penelope Tzougros. As a professional financial planner and retirement planner, I am here to help you.

Wealthy Choices® Post Retirement Income Services

Wealthy Choices® offers post-retirement income services. Post-retirement income (different from a pension) addresses maintaining your lifestyle during retirement.

After all the bills are paid, and the niceties accounted for, do you have enough income for the pleasures and luxuries that matter to you? Do you answer with a confident, Yes? Wonderful.

However, if you are okay at the moment but worried about the years to come because of inflation and the volatility in the markets, then you should review your investments. Can your investments produce more income? Can they produce more growth?

Make Sure Your Assets Serve You

At Wealthy Choices®, you are not your assets. Your assets are in service of your values, goals, and lifestyle, so they should be doing their best for you.

Additional Post Retirement Income Can Benefit Those With Pensions

Even if you have a pension, you may want to look into other forms of post-retirement income. While you may think your pension guarantees you a steady income, there are other factors to consider.

For example, does that income rise with inflation? Most pensions do not. Consider this possibility – Today, you buy $100 of goods and services. If inflation stayed at 4% for five years, the cost of those same goods and services would increase. Instead of $100, those same goods and services would then cost $122 to purchase. If the pension is not providing that extra, where is it coming from?

Alternatively, how will you adjust to the rising costs if you manage your own income? Will you cut down on your lifestyle or will you change your investments? A review at Wealthy Choices® can help you fine-tune your portfolio so that it functions well for you.

Contact Wealthy Choices today to learn more about our Post Retirement Income Services.