Category: Blog

Retirement Planning Tips 

How Do I Begin Planning For Retirement?  When it comes to retirement planning, it’s never too early to start. If you start figuring out your retirement plans now, you give yourself more time to prepare. How does retirement planning even work, though? How do you start? What do you plan for?  Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope […]

Will You Stay Or Move For Retirement? 

Are You Prepared To Make Important Retirement Decisions?  As you approach retirement age, there are many decisions you need to be prepared to make. Some retirees find this to be an intimidating prospect, however. What if you didn’t have to make the important retirement decisions on your own? What if you had professional advice? Hi, I’m Dr. […]

Saying “Yes”

About a month into the lockdown here in Boston, my neighbor asked if I’d like some sour dough starter so I could make bread. My first thought was I don’t like most sour dough bread that I have eaten. I said, “Yes,” and shortly after that Kevin was at my door holding a large jar […]

Budgets and Diets Can Be Detrimental

They are saying, “No.” In my experience, kids don’t like to hear “No,” and neither do many adults. There are lots of examples of adults getting angry when they’re told, “No, you can’t do that,” or when they are corrected or told they are wrong. So, do we abandon all hope of improvements? Do we […]