Category: Budgeting

Decide Where You’ll Live During Retirement 

How Do I Decide Where I’ll Live During Retirement?  Are you preparing for retirement? Have you made a decision about where you’ll live when you’re retired? Do you plan to stay at home or move elsewhere? Do you find yourself unsure which decision would be best for you?  Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. You aren’t […]

Is Your “Home Sweet Home” Really An Asset? 

The Stay-Move Decision – What Are Your Retirement Plans?  If you’ve begun to plan for retirement, you’ve likely already thought about the Stay-Move Decision – which is to say, the decision of whether you should stay at home or move during retirement. Like many retirement-related decisions, the decision of where to live during retirement may […]

Will You Stay Home Or Move During Retirement? 

Are You Ready To Make Important Retirement Decisions?  Planning for retirement may seem like an intimidating process. After all, such planning requires making decisions that will directly impact the quality of your life during retirement. Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. I aim to help soon-to-be retirees as they plan for their retirement. You don’t have […]

Is My House My Best Retirement Asset? 

Seek Advice For Retirement From A Professional Financial Consultant  Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. If you find yourself looking for professional help while planning for retirement, allow me to offer the help you need. As a professional financial consultant, I can help you answer important retirement questions, be aware of the potential risks and benefits […]

Can I Seek Help While Planning For Retirement? 

What Are Your Retirement Plans?  Have you begun to think about what you want to do during retirement? Have you considered where you’ll want to live? Have you planned your finances for your retirement years? I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. Whether you’ve been planning for your upcoming retirement for some time or you’ve just begun to […]

Retirement Planning Blind Spots 

When Is The Right Time To Seek Help Planning For Retirement?  If you’re planning for retirement, it’s never too early to seek the help of a professional. Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. I work as a financial consultant helping people answer important questions about retirement. You don’t have to make important retirement decisions alone – […]

What Are Your Retirement Planning Questions? 

Can I Seek Help While Planning For Retirement?  How prepared are you for retirement? Have you begun to make retirement plans yet? Are you uncertain about how to start planning retirement? Or, perhaps, have you begun retirement planning only to realize you aren’t sure if you can make all these important decisions on your own? […]

Will You Live At Home In Retirement? 

Are You Worried About Making Retirement Plans?  Planning for your retirement may seem like an intimidating process – and for good reason! To ensure an enjoyable retirement takes careful planning and important decision making. However, you don’t have to plan and make decisions about retirement all on your own. You can seek the help of […]

Are You Content To Age In Place? 

How Are You Preparing For Retirement?  When you think of the future and your retirement, what sort of retirement do you picture? Are you hopeful that you’ll have a comfortable and independent retirement? Do you know where you plan to spend your retirement? What preparations are you making for that retirement? Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope […]

Can A Financial Planner Help Me Prepare For Retirement? 

 Are You Ready To Hire A Financial Planner?  Perhaps it seems too soon to begin planning for your retirement. Maybe you feel you have more pressing concerns at the moment. However, it’s important to remember that the sooner you start planning and saving for retirement, the better prepared you’ll be in your golden years. Hi, […]