Category: Budgeting

Can I Increase Income For Retirement? 

How Can I Prepare For Retirement?  When one begins to prepare for retirement, there are many questions that one asks themselves. For example, you may ask yourself where you should live during retirement. You may ask yourself if you’ll outlive your money, or if you can cut costs. I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros, and I’m eager to help people […]

Can I Cut Costs For Retirement? 

Are You Prepared For Retirement?  Preparing for retirement often seem intimidating when you begin, but you don’t have to prepare on your own. You can seek answers to the questions you have through professional help. I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. As a financial planner and author, I’ve helped hundreds of people. Now, I’d like to help you make informed […]

Will I Outlive My Money? 

Need Help Planning For Retirement?  Planning one’s retirement can be an intimidating process. Are you having trouble solidifying your retirement plans? Do you worry that unforeseen circumstances might interfere with your desirable retirement plan? Do you wish you could lean on the advice of an expert as you plan for your future? I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros, and […]

Your Jeans Can Grow Your Money

When I was growing up what are now called jeans were called dungarees. That likely derived from the “dungri,” the Hindi name for the thick cloth that was manufactured near Mumbai.  A popular brand then and now is Levi’s. It’s got cooper rivets. Why? It’s a very American story. A Bavarian immigrant, Levi Strauss, arrived […]

What If No One Says, “Wow?”

How others respond to us matters. We shape each other by our reactions. We shape our communities by our interactions. Kids doing some daring feat like riding a two-wheel bike solo for the first time, might call out “look at me!” It’s great if someone is there to cheer them on and say, “wow, look […]

Seven People, One Bathroom, Equals A Financial Plan

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.4.6″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.4.6″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.6″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.4.6″] Part of what is the matter with America today is we have too many bathrooms.  How many people shared a bathroom in your home when you were growing up? We were blessed to have one set of grandparents living with us, so we were seven, and we shared […]