Category: Uncategorized

401k vs. IRA: Making the Right Move for Your Money

Should you leave your money in the 401k or 403b or profit-sharing plan that you have been most recently contributing to? Creditor Protection: A Key Consideration One reason for not transferring your  401k or 403b or profit-sharing plan to an IRA is that Employer-based retirement plans may be protected from creditors by federal law. However, […]

Uncertainty: The Market is Not Alone

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.4.6″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.4.6″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.6″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.4.6″] It’s often said that the market doesn’t like uncertainty. How about you and friends, do you like uncertainty? This period of the Great Dislocation has yanked us from what anchors our active lives. For millions of Americans, gone are the regular schedules for work, school, entertainment, shopping for […]

What Women at Fifty Heading into Retirement Solo Need to Know

What’s important and different about being a woman in your fifties heading toward retirement? Assuming that the money you have saved is not augmented by an inheritance (parents needing care can eliminate an inheritance) or some other significant influx, how should you think about your retirement? Three things: Know your values. Know your expenses. Know […]

My Portfolio Sank. Now what?

The markets have declined and so have many portfolios. A client called me and asked which of three options she should take: 1) stay put; 2) sell everything; 3) commit suicide. Fortunately, she meant the third option to be humorous. Here are the guidelines I suggest. 1) If your account statement shows a loss, it […]

Perspective on Retirement

I’d like to share with you a perspective on retirement. Entering retirement is like entering you late teens – without the acne. What do the two time periods of our lives have in common? Uncertainty, vulnerability, changing identity. Uncertainty in the years to come When we are in our late teens there are big unknowns: […]