Category: What’s Your Plan For Retirement

What Are Your Retirement Planning Questions? 

Can I Seek Help While Planning For Retirement?  How prepared are you for retirement? Have you begun to make retirement plans yet? Are you uncertain about how to start planning retirement? Or, perhaps, have you begun retirement planning only to realize you aren’t sure if you can make all these important decisions on your own? […]

Will You Live At Home In Retirement? 

Are You Worried About Making Retirement Plans?  Planning for your retirement may seem like an intimidating process – and for good reason! To ensure an enjoyable retirement takes careful planning and important decision making. However, you don’t have to plan and make decisions about retirement all on your own. You can seek the help of […]

Retirement Planning With A Financial Consultant 

Get Started On Retirement Planning Soon  Are you eager to enjoy an independent and content retirement? Do you know what you need to do in order to make sure you can have the retirement you dream of? Have you approached a financial planner to help you plan for the retirement you want? I’m Dr. Penelope […]

Aging In Place 

Start Talking To A Financial Consultant About Retirement Today  When it comes to planning for retirement, the sooner you can begin the better. Retirement may seem far off but in truth, it is much closer than you think it is. Hi, I’m Dr. Penelope Tzougros. I’ve heard the concerns of many soon-to-be retirees, and I’m […]

What’s Your Plan For Retirement? 

Have You Begun To Make Plans For Retirement?  As you prepare for retirement, there are many important decisions you’ll have to make. Wouldn’t it be easier to make those decisions if you understood the pros and cons of each? Would you feel better if you could lean on the expertise of someone who has experience […]